IT consultancy

Project Management

Salamanca Solutions has extensive experience providing a complete Project Management service for your IT and Telco OSS/BSS projects.

We can help you to achieve your project goals and improve your performance of all phases of your projects life cycle. Additionally we can provide you a customized Project Management service according to your needs and requirement of your projects.

Our service is based on the standard of the Project Management Institute (PMI) and based on our particular approach got from the many projects that we manage.


  • Portfolio Management
  • Program Management
  • Project Management
  • Project Management Office

Key benefits

  • Ensure successful execution of your projects keeping them aligned with your business goals
  • Become a much more cost effective company establishing an efficient project management approach
  • Have specialized staff
  • On-site or remote alternatives

Business Process Reengineering

Salamanca Solutions can help you to analyze and design your workflows and your business processes in your organization to achieve improvements in performance measures, such as cost, quality, service, and speed as well as the implementation of required changes.

We can assist you to rethink how you do your work in order to redesign and improve your processes; you will be able to deliver more value to your customer and restructure your organization focusing on your business objectives and core processes.

Key benefits

  • Reduce operational costs and cycle time eliminating unproductive activities
  • Achieve improvements in performance measures, such as cost, quality, service, and speed
  • Reduce the fragmentation of work and establish ownership of processes
  • Have specialized staff
  • On-site or remote alternatives

Business Analysis

Salamanca Solutions’ Business Analysis consulting helps you to determine solutions to your business problems through the correct identification of your business needs.

We work in close collaboration with you to understand your business, problems, and needs in order to propose solutions to meet your business objectives.

Our experience enables us to improve your processes, recommend organizational changes, and develop strategic plans and policies at any level.

Key benefits

  • Have optimal solutions for your business needs including saving of cost and time
  • Do your business better
  • Have specialized staff to cover the skills gaps
  • On-site or remote alternatives

Workflow Development

Salamanca Solutions’ Workflow Development consulting service provides you an effective solution to model and analyze your critical processes in order to improve their performance and control.

We have expertise applying modeling and analysis techniques as well as reference models to analyze inputs, transformation rules, outputs, flow control, data flow, etc.

You will be able to apply important improvements of measures of your workflows to meet your business goals and therefore the needs of your customers.

Key benefits

  • Improve the performance and control of your workflows including saving of cost and time
  • Do your business better
  • On-site or remote alternatives

Business Transition Planning

Business Transition Planning consulting service will help you to develop and implement successfully a plan for transitioning your business to new ownership or management.

Working closely with you, we help you to define your transition goals, priorities and strategies, develop a clear and formal transition plan, and execute it according to your business needs and stakeholders needs because their support is essential to the success of the transition.

Key benefits

  • Get the best approach for your Business Transition Planning which includes time and cost savings
  • Increase the value of your company ensuring the continuity and good reputation of your business
  • On-site or remote alternatives

Building Change Capacity

Salamanca Solutions’ consulting service will help you to ensure your change capacity to implement your strategic plan and the standards by which the process must be executed.

We help you to manage the changes proactively in your strategic moves, building your organization for the future since teams with the best change capacity perform at a higher level.

We assist you with the diagnosis, action planning, implementation and evaluation, with the goal of transferring knowledge and skills to your organization to improve their capacity for solving problems and managing future change.

Key benefits

  • To have the capability for introducing change systematically
  • To have the ability to change not just once
  • Have solid information on which to base decisions
  • On-site or remote alternatives

Organization Development

Organization Development consulting service will assist you to increase your organization’s effectiveness and efficiency; additionally it enables your organization to achieve its strategic goals with a process of implementing effective organizational change.

We have the experience to tailor the program to meet your requirements applying a broad selection of techniques that lead to your organizational effectiveness.

Key benefits

  • Increase profit and efficiency raising innovation and productivity
  • have enhancements in products and services
  • On-site or remote alternatives